Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disabilities (D) & Inclusion

Our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator is Mr Peter Mooney.

At St. Patrick’s we are committed to providing the conditions and opportunities to enable any child with SEND to be included fully in all aspects of school life. Our vision is for all members of the school community to be respected and seen to have potential for improvement. Through effective teaching and learning, support and encouragement and working closely with pupils, parents/carers and professionals we can enable the fulfilment of each child’s potential.

Our experienced SEND Team support pupils with Education Health Care Plans as well as those children on the Special Educational Needs register. We believe that early identification if vital to engaging the correct level of support from outside agencies. We work closely with a range of professionals from Rochdale Borough Council, including:

Educational Psychologists

RANS (Rochdale Additional Needs Service)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

For more information about the service available for SEND pupils in Rochdale, please Click Here to be directed to Rochdale Councils SEND Homepage Here you will also find further information about the Rochdale Local Offer.

In school, alongside our experienced SENCO we have many skilled teaching assistants who work closely with our pupils on a daily basis, including our Autism Champion.

The SEND policy can be located with the policies section of our website.

SEND Policy (reviewed Sept 2023)

Single Equality and Community Cohesion Policy

Equality Objectives Statement

Accessibility Action Plan

SEN Information Report

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact us, Mr Mooney our SENCo, will be more than happy to answer any of your enquiries. You can find our contact details on the ‘Contact’ tab at the top of each page.

If you would like to make a complaint about SEND Provision at St Patrick’s, please make your complaint following the Complaints Procedure which can be located in the policies section of the website. Thank you.