About Us

Values and Ethos Statement

At St Patrick’s we pride ourselves on providing children with a holistic education rooted in the Gospel Values. With Christ at the centre of everything we do, we promote the gospel values of service, truth, justice, humility, purity, holiness, forgiveness, mercy, tolerance, peace, gentleness, dignity, compassion, and integrity throughout our curriculum. We believe that we are here to serve our community and provide our children opportunities to grow in their faith and spirituality, as we truly believe that each one of us is made in the ‘image and likeness’ of God. The welfare of our children is paramount and we have an excellent pastoral team supporting our children and families. As a learning community, we place Religious Education at the centre of our curriculum and all policy development stems from here. We are in constant pursuit of excellence, inspiring children to be the best that they can be, to reach their potential and have ambition to succeed.

Mission Statement

Together, through love and service, we will come to know God and grow to be the individuals we were created to be.

‘Journeying with Christ to be agents of change for the Common Good.’

The school’s role is to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church by providing a curriculum, including Catholic religious education and worship, which will help children to grow in their understanding of the Good News and in the practice of their faith.  The school will help the children develop fully as human beings and prepare them to undertake their responsibilities as Catholics in society.

Fulfilling the Church’s Mission, as ambassadors for Christ, our curriculum will foster students, to be global citizens and learners who are:

  • Ambitious
  • Creative and enjoy learning
  • Critically curious
  • Reflective
  • Stewards of creation
  • Respectful of life and the dignity of the individual

Our learning journey will enable all members to be:


  • Happy, motivated and engaged
  • Confident and effective communicators
  • Cooperative
  • Collaborative
  • Determined and resilient
  • Receptive to new ideas
  • Socially just and fair
  • Actively involved in the community
  • Gospel Values are what Jesus said,
  • what Jesus did and what
  • He told us to do.


Our daily life in school is under pinned by the Gospel Values. All of the Gospel Values begin with and derive from Jesus’ Law of Love:


  • Respect for the Life and Dignity of Each Individual
  • Trust in God
  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Mercy
  • Community
  • Servant Leadership
  • Equality