Our Journey through Holy Week

Throughout this week, the children across school have been retelling the Easter Story through dramatisations, prayerful reflections and paraliturgies.  We have a beautiful video that showcases some of these works that will be shared on our school website. Click here to watch.

Welcome Welfare and Witness

These are interpreted by the children as Come, Work and Walk.

Welcome [come] – come together in welcome.

Witness [work] – we look at our School mission statement and work together as a witness community.

Welfare [walk] – walk together as a welfare community.


Fostering a strong sense of belonging, St Patrick’s welcomes pupils from all over the country and world. Diversity amongst the staff and pupils is celebrated and this promotes mutual respect, builds self esteem and a sense of community – keeping in mind the kingdom of God. We have strong links to other local primary and secondary schools and are active within the community. Each year we take part in the Rochdale Music Festival as well as other local events, so St Patrick’s pupils have an increased sense of community spirit and are living witnesses to their faith.


Through our charitable works we support a variety of local, national and international projects. The School Council and GIFT teams decide which charities to support each year and organise the fundraising events. Within school we have a dedicated pastoral team, consisting of a team of Safeguarding Leaders and a Family Worker who provide support for our families and children through meetings, nurture and liaison with outside agencies.  Pupils show respect and care for each other around the school and through organised initiatives.


Staff at St Patrick’s are here to serve their community and actively seek opportunities to live out the schools mission statement. Our pupils are learning about how to walk in Jesus’ footsteps and live lives that show others what the gospel values are: reconciliation, compassion, justice, liberation, service, stewardship. By doing so they are developing their sense of responsibility to play their part in our community and building their confidence to stand up for their own beliefs.